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How to: Hyperledger Explorer

Hyperledger Explorer has some requisites (like Postgres) you need to meet in order to get it to work.


Important: Make sure you have all prerequisites installed following the instructions from https://github.com/hyperledger/blockchain-explorer

  1. Clone https://github.com/hyperledger/blockchain-explorer.git
    1. Postgres can be troublesome in Mac - this article makes it easier: https://medium.com/@Umesh_Kafle/postgresql-and-postgis-installation-in-mac-os-87fa98a6814d
  2. Put special care to Database Setup and Build Hyperledger Explorer.
  3. Execute script to create the DB: cd app/persistence/fabric/postgreSQL/db/ && ./createdb.sh

On Hurley

  1. Create the network with: hurl new -o 3 -c 2 -u 2
  2. Hurley will generate files in ~/hyperledger-fabric-network/

Configuration for Hyperledger Explorer

  1. We need to configure blockchain-explorer/app/platform/fabric/config.json
  2. IMPORTANT: Don't use the default config.json, instead do the following:
    1. Rename config.json to config-bak.json
    2. Create a copy of config-balance-transfer.json and rename it to config.json (both files in the folder: ./app/platform/fabric/)
    3. Modify the configuration with the values in the file ~/hyperledger-fabric-network/network-profiles/org1.network-profile.yaml
      1. One easy way to do this is by going to https://codebeautify.org/yaml-to-json-xml-csv and converting from YAML to JSON and replacing the values of the field network-1 in the new config.json.
      2. Put special care to the "clients" object, as it has to follow the standard brought by the config-balance-transfer.json instead of the one brought by Hurley. Instead of just one client, it should be wrapped in a "clients" object. It should look like this:
        "clients": {
                "client-1": {
                  "organization": "org1MSP",
                  "channel": "ch1",
                  "credentialStore": {
                    "path": "/Users/walter/hyperledger-fabric-network/.hfc-org1",
                    "cryptoStore": {
                      "path": "/Users/walter/hyperledger-fabric-network/.hfc-org1"
  3. Once values are correctly injected you are all set to start Hyperledger Explorer (./start.sh)
  4. Finally go to http://localhost:8080/#/ and enjoy! Also the API can be found here http://localhost:8080/api-docs

Special thanks to  Alex Ramil Aguel for testing this out and putting the tutorial together!

Results should look like this

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